Hello, friends!
We are Sasha and Kosta, and we have an exciting task ahead of us: to open a gallery in the capital of Serbia, Belgrade.
We aim to create a space where art will inspire, bring people together, and delight the soul.

We are reaching out to you with a request to support our small but ambitious project! Below, you will find several options for support at different amounts. By contributing to any of them, you will not only become part of our story but also help us move closer to the moment of opening our gallery.

Thank you for your attention and support!
Support us
Donation with Visa, Mastercard and PayPal. Konstantin Gladkov
Visa, Mastercard
From Russia
Donation in rubles.
Alexandra Kremenets
Enter your email for contact
Tinkoff donate
Our plan
Is to document the process of launching the gallery on the gallery's Instagram.
Rent space
Content & context
  • €1900
    Now €
  • €6000
    Goal €
  • 252 000 ₽
    Now ₽
  • 300 000 ₽
    Goal ₽
Daria Yaromenok
Support Options
Several lots at different amounts you will find below; by purchasing any of them, you will help us bring the opening of the gallery closer.
  • Invitation to the Grand Opening Party
Club member
  • Invitation to the Grand Opening Party
  • Gift: Autographed postcard by Kungfuct
  • Patron's name featured on the website
Best friend
  • Invitation to the Grand Opening Party
  • Gift: Limited edition poster signed by Kungfuct
  • Patron's name featured on the website
  • Invitation to the Grand Opening Party
  • Gift: Limited edition postcard signed by Kungfuct
  • Exclusive T-shirt or other merchandise from Kungfuct
  • Patron's name featured on the website
  • Invitation to the Grand Opening Party
  • Art piece from a special collection by Kungfuct
  • Free coffee and drinks forever in the gallery caffe
  • Annual collector's gifts from the gallery
  • Patron's name displayed on the gallery wall
and more
Support us
Donation with Visa, Mastercard and PayPal. Konstantin Gladkov
Visa, Mastercard
From Russia
Donation in rubles.
Alexandra Kremenets
Enter your email for contact
Tinkoff donate
Who we are
  • Sasha Kremenets
    "When I lived in Moscow, I successfully managed a gallery for many years. Besides art, you could find there a great bookstore, children's classes, and the best coffee in the neighborhood. Also, for the past 8 years, I've been working as a curator, producer and artist in the Barents region in Russia, Norway, Finland and Sweden.

    I have gathered the best artistic solutions and practices, and thus the idea of the Nordistica North+Art gallery was born. Exhibitions, events, family workshops, a shop of Scandinavian designer items - that's roughly the plan."
  • Kosta Gladkov
    Designer, Artist
    "I enjoy exploring different cultures and discovering creative individuals and projects from all parts of the planet. I want others to join me in this exploring adventure. I have an affinity for the North, I love the Balkans, so why not bring them together in one space?

    It's going to be fascinating!"
Our projects
Kosta Gladkov. Montenegro
Tanika Yezhova. Moscow, Russia
Lubov Donkova. Moscow, Russia
Kosta Gladkov. Moscow, Russia
Daria Yaromenok. Moscow, Russia
Masha Ivanova. Nikel, Russia
SMOG WE ARE. Hammerfest, Norway
Kosta Gladkov. Berlin, Germany
Thank you!
See you soon in our NORDISTICA GALLERY
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