Anatolii Fedorov
Text by
Sasha Souther, PhD
20 September, 2019
Livingston, USA
From the moment Surrealism published its first manifesto at the
beginning of the 20th century, the idea of art as a mediator of our
subconsciousness conquered many creative strategies. Artists understood that
they can model new realities on their canvases and demonstrate them to their
viewers. The 1929 film "An Andalusian Dog" directed by Luis Buñuel helped
the creative sphere representatives to understand that new media is a source of a
tremendous amount of subconscious inspiration. As a matter of fact, producing
more movies seemed a bit impossible during those time, because of the
complicity of the area. However, the development of the Sony Portapak camera
in 1967 resolved this issue, which helped to move some artists forward working
in the area of virtual environments.
Our today's hero is Anatolii Fedorov whose creative method lies in the
digital art sphere. The artist likes to construct different realities in his oeuvre,
allowing Fedorov to produce a make-believe world where future people may
live. It is interesting to look at those images, due to the fact that the artist uses a
lot of ideas that not only Surrealists thought about, but he also picks up some of
the Futurist art aesthetics. Of course, Fedorov is not a rebel like Marinetti, he
understands Futurist ideas as something logical. Actually, we can say that this
artist's creative work is a product of the 20th-century artistic heritage. If we
look closely, we can see how playfully and elegantly he mixes visual codes
from such styles as Pop and Op Art placing them in his imaginary worlds. So, at
this point, we can say that Fedorov's visual language is quite rich, and it will be
very interesting to see how the artist will develop his creative method in the
Text by
Sasha Souther, PhD
20 September, 2019
Livingston, USA
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